Manford Primary School
Childcare and After School Clubs
After School Club Activities - Please see the timetable below showing the clubs that are running this term.
Childcare - Breakfast and After School Care Club (ASCC):
Breakfast Club starts at 7.45 - 8.00am in the morning where children play with their friends and have a healthy breakfast. The daily charge for breakfast club is £4.00.
After School childcare is also available on a day by day basis. Children have a range of indoor and outdoor activities and a healthy snack. There are 2 pick up times for After School Club: 5.00 p.m. and 6.00 p.m. There is a daily charge of £10 per day for the 5pm finish or £14 per day for the 6pm finish. We accept childcare vouchers.
Spaces are open from Reception to Year 6, although we consider our Reception pupils on a case by case basis according to their needs and how well they have settled into full time Reception.
If you need to contact a member of staff from the After School Club whilst it is in session please call 07729 748091. Please note this number is for After School Club exclusively and will only be answered when the club is open.
Places MUST be booked in advance for both breakfast and ASCC clubs via the ParentMail app. Bookings close 1 day in advance of the sessions. Payment is made via the app when booking sessions. If you have booked a session and your child will not be attending for any reason please log back in to your ParentMail account and cancel the session, otherwise you may be charged.
Our staff are trained in safeguarding and food hygiene as well as first aid. Full information is available in the policy below.
If you would like to know more about these childcare facilities please contact Sam Mustafa in the school office: 020 8500 2143