Manford Primary School
What does your child learn at school each day?
Find information about our curriculum subjects here.
Manford’s Curriculum
The curriculum at Manford Primary is significantly more than the ‘lessons’ which make up the timetable. Our aim is to prepare pupils for the next stage in their education and for successful futures. As such, every moment in school is part of the process of preparing for adulthood, providing positive role models and giving children resilience, independence and ambition which, along with a host of other characteristics, will set them on a positive path. This is intertwined with our adoption of UNICEF’s Rights Respecting Schools project, which includes British Values.
Manford Primary School has a very strong vision statement:
We believe that Manford children are amazing young people. We aim to support their development by ensuring they have excellent educational experiences which encourage a love of learning, a pride in all they do and build memories that continue to influence their lives in a positive way. We want to empower them to know that they have the capacity to make great decisions and to change the world. |
This underpins all aspects of school life and our curriculum is a significant part of moving towards our vision. This vision is vital when we consider the intent of our curriculum.
The breadth of our curriculum is designed with three goals in mind:
- To give pupils appropriate experiences to develop as confident, responsible citizens;
- To provide a relevant and rich ‘cultural capital’
- To provide a coherent, structured, academic curriculum that leads to success for all learners
We have determined two key ‘Curriculum Motivators’ which will enable us to provide our children with knowledge and skills to develop into responsible, successful citizens. These will be reviewed as the school cohort changes to ensure they are relevant to children in school.
Our motivators are:
- Global Identity: children will learn to understand their place in the world
- Possibilities: we will nurture inquisitive problem solvers who aspire to great things in their futures
Our curriculum development has taken these goals and these motivations and used them to create a classroom curriculum and the principles of a whole-school curriculum. In addition to these, carefully planned curriculum enhancements and extra-curricular activities will provide pupils with improved ‘cultural capital’ which will allow them to have a greater understanding of their world, to express themselves in a more mature way and access texts which will challenge their reading abilities and preferences.
There are two main elements to our curriculum:
- Element 1) We tailor our curriculum to the needs of Manford’s learners in order to achieve our vision
- Element 2) We draw on Chris Quigley’s ‘Essentials’ curriculum to ensure coverage, spaced repetition, rigour and progression as children move through school. We also use Chris Quigley’s ‘milestones’ to support our assessment of foundation subjects.
We also use a number of other schemes to support our curriculum as listed below:-
Other schemes used
- PSHE- Jigsaw (x2 sessions per week)
- Computing- Switched on Computing
- RE- Redbridge Syllabus
- PE- Cambridgeshire Scheme of work
- Online Safety- SWGFL scheme
- French- Rigolo
Mrs L James is our Curriculum Lead and Assistant Headteacher. If you would like more information about our curriculum you should speak to your child's teacher. Alternatively Mrs James can be contacted through the school office.