Manford Primary School
Staying safe and well
Squid Game Information
Squid game has an age certificate of 15 years and should not be viewed by younger children. Further information can be found here.
Coronavirus School Closure Information can be found below.
We are a listening and a telling school- we can help you.
Miss Osei's job in school is to make sure all the children are safe and well- she will help if you have a problem or are worried
Mrs Donnelly's job is also to make sure you are all safe and well- she will help you if you have a worry or a problem
Every adult in our school knows how to help you- just tell and we'll listen.
Don't forget- you can also put a note in the worry box in your classroom
We are always trying to get better and asking pupils what they think. Here are the results of our pupils survey of years 3,4,5 and 6 in July 2019.
Do you need help or advice?
On this page you can find places and people who can help you if you're worried or need some help.
Remember, adults in school are great at helping and finding help for you. Mrs Donnelly, Miss Osei, Mrs James and Ms Gould have all had special training to help children in need but any of the adults in school know what to do if you ask for help.
If you prefer help from somewhere else you can contact childline: 0800 1111
or click below to access the website
They can talk to you about all sorts of things, including bullying, school, things happening at home or when you are out playing.
- Watch this video- What Happens When You Contact Childline? | Childline
- If you are worried about something online you should report to: CEOP
- Young minds also have some great resources to sensitively talk to children about the Corona Virus and Social isolation - https://youngminds.org.uk/
Always be careful when you are using the internet. It can help you to keep in touch with your friends and help your education – but it can also cause harm – to you and to others.
Remember help is always available at school if you are having any problems online.
Don’t be afraid to talk to your teacher or another adult at school.
If you or anyone you know is worried about Child Exploitation, Online Protection or anything related to Internet safety please click the link below which will take you to the CEOP reporting website:
CEOP Helpful links to look at with your family.
Think You KnowAge 5 -7
Think You KnowAge 8 - 10
Think You KnowAge 11 - 13
Tips for staying safe online:
- Make sure you keep new online friends strictly online. If someone you don't know asks to be your online friend you must ensure an adult knows about it.
- Know how to use the CEOP Button and how to report it to the CEOP Centre if you are concerned about someone’s online behaviour towards you.